How much is Rank 1 on Google Search results worth?

If you are not in either of rank 1 or rank 2 in search results, you lose half of your customers.

Research by independent organizations have established the importance of different positions/ranks in google search results. And unsurprisingly, the top 2 positions take the lion's share.

As a business owner or a marketing manager, this is critical information. You want to be in the coveted top two that get a lion's share of customers.

How do you get there?
Google has reserved those two positions for paid ads. And as a free search engine that everyone in the world uses, Google does generate a high amount of customers that you should absolutely reach out for.

If you still need more help to figure out how to get setup on Ads, give us a shout and we would be happy to help your business get in front of those customers today.

Posted by : Superadmin | 3 Jan, 2020

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